Follow your dreams.

Well, what can I say? We had such an incredible opening day yesterday, and I’d like to take a moment to personally thank each and every one of the lovely people who came to visit us on the day. We sold loads of books, gave away enough cake to feed a small village and and laughed so much it made our faces ache!

I’ts been my dream to own my own bookshop since I can remember and its surreal to be sat here now writing this blog post. When we first made the decision to actually do it, I felt sick and excited in equal measures; but now after 5 months of late nights, long days and googling how to run a bookshop on multiple occasions we are here!

I’d like to thank all of our friends, family and local businesses who have helped us along the way; Mike, Scrat, Jen, Emma, Keith at Caffe Gelato for his support and copious paninis, Andy, Rick, Tracy, Jackie, Rob, Brian, Mark and the guys at Thurston, Lorraine for the amazing cake, Alice at Gardners for pulling out all the stops to get us the books in time, everyone who donated books to our Read-Cycled section, the amazing local authors who gave up their time to come and sign books, everyone who we’ve forgotten to list and of course shop dog willow.

