Book Review - The Love Hypothesis by Ali Hazelwood

Typically you’ll find me reading Sci-fi Fantasy. However every now and then I fancy something different, usually something a little easier to read than my go to genre. Another fact is I usually go on and on about how I hate romance but here I am reviewing a romance novel. It’s funny how these things happen. So The Love Hypothesis was originally Kylo Ren and Rey fan fiction from the latest Star Wars films, which is proven by the characters on the front cover which have depict a very good liking of the Star Wars characters.

This story follows a woman named Olive in STEM who has no time or belief for lasting romantic relationships, however her best friend has other ideas. So to keep Anh off her back, Olive comes up with a plan to convince Anh that she is in a happy, successful relationship but when given the chance to prove this fact Olive panics and kisses the first man in her path who just so happens to be the most disliked professor at Stanford.

This was a super quick (I finished it in one sitting), super fun read featuring one of my favourite tropes: fake dating. It has great representation for what it’s like being a woman in STEM. It also features the grumpy/sunshine trope with Olive being our little REY of sunshine (excuse the pun) and Adam being our grumpy, love interest. I really enjoyed the contrast between the two with nothing being made easy for Adam it was hilarious to see him clearly out of his comfort zone and fumble his way through most of the interactions between Olive and himself. It’s the perfect book to pick up when you’re in a bit of a slump!


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Finding Time to Read